RISE – Day 32


Day thirty-two – Today is day thirty-two of our transformation. For fifty days we have committed ourselves to thoughts and actions that will help move us forward spiritually. Just as the disciples lives were radically changed in the fifty days between the Passover and Pentecost, we too seek change that brings greater commitment and courage in our faith.

Building off of what we said yesterday about outside influences and helps for your journey, we need to consider the world around us in general. In the first century there were a few men who constructed and spread the idea that the earth was evil; that anything physical and temporal was inherently bad and must be denied. John, in his first epistles refutes their teaching. Eventually it lead men to monasteries and, very often, self-abuse.

We must not confuse the poor and sinful choices of man with the purpose and design of God’s creation for man. When God made all that we see and experience in this world he looked down upon it and said, “It is good.” That has not changed and since the beginning God has used this world, universe and galaxy to declare His glory (Psalm 19). He has used it to not only assist and sustain man, but give men His wonderful message of love.

The reality of living things is the constant state of transformation and cycles that are predictable and purposeful. This is the world God made and bound up in, for instance, the cycles of the rain and transformation of the butterfly and movement of the tides are lessons for humanity designed to move us toward greater understanding of Him. When we connect with the world we connect with the reality of who He is and, thus, who we are.

Now, unfortunately, many men will go out of their way to shield themselves from these messages or, worse still, misinterpret them. Perhaps meaning well and seeking him many other ways, they still miss out on the connection and messages of faith that He offers through the world. They put on blinders and miss it. They never “go to the ant” for instruction. They see no benefit in hearing the message of the heavens.

It is a pity.  Today is day thirty-two. Get out and see the world and let it declare to you His glory and majesty and love and awesomeness. Write it down. Today is day thirty-two.

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