RISE – Day 34


Day thirty-four – Today is day thirty-four. It is day thirty-four of fifty days we have chosen as days of transformation, change and growth spiritually. Now, for those early disciples this change seems great. In these fifty days they went from cowardly to bold; of little faith to great faith; and so on.

What we need to realize as we engage in these transformative behaviors is that everyone grows and moves forward at different rates and in different ways. Your change may not look anything like the change of the early disciples partly because you do not live in their circumstances and partly because, well, you are not them.

One of the dangers of transformation is the innate desire to look around at our spiritual companions and begin comparing ourselves with them. Almost always we compare up. In other words, everyone else seems to have better spiritual traits, faster growth and much more important roles. DO NOT DO THIS. Of course you shouldn’t compare down either. You shouldn’t be looking at another brother or sister’s growth and think, “I am so much better than that.” The happiest people on earth just simply don’t compare up or down…they just don’t compare.

Instead they seek growth with God and find contentment in Him.  You don’t need to compare your gifts to others. You will always find those growing slower and some growing faster. It does very little good for you to compare. Instead, just simply seek God’s will and be content with His work in you.  Today is day thirty-four.

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