RISE – Day 41


Day Forty-one – Today is day forty one. Today we want to talk a little bit about defending your faith or transformation of faith. As with just about any “strong conviction” that we have, regardless of the object or topic, there will be detractors. For every God believer there is someone who, for one reason or another, not only does not believe, but will seemingly demand that you defend your belief.

Of course the Bible tells us that we should always be ready to give such a defense. However, this does not mean you have to carry around a set of syllogisms or arguments so that you can give them to any antagonist bent on pushing you in that direction. Of course, in some circles, such is very helpful. Yet, what we really need is simply an explanation for why we believe what we believe. What has strongly convicted you and brought you to the point where you are in faith. Why do you think Jesus is the son of God? Why is there a God at all? Why offer them your life? In very real, every day terms, we all should have an explanation of these.

Now, this is a whole lot different than being an apologist for The Faith. These men are women are specifically trained in most facets of defending the faith and can answer a whole host of questions about the intricacies of scripture, philosophy, etc. One need not have a phd. to be ready with an answer and should not feel pressured to give the answers a phd. would. You are defending your personal faith in that larger system of faith. You, perhaps, will not have all the answers to every question someone may ask about some aspect of faith that neither they understand nor you have been taught.

In such cases you ought not feel any fear in saying “I don’t know, but I will try to find out.” It is not a flaw in you faith or system of faith. Perhaps you are just not at that point in your transformation and growth. Perhaps this question will help you grow even more.  Yet, it is not a flaw, anymore than science is flawed by not being able to answer the simple question of why seeds will sit dormant in packages on a shelf, but grow into massive plants when we add a little dirt and water. Why?

Your defense is your transformation and the reason behind it. Your ability to defend your faith is directly (or should be) proportional to the growth of your faith. In other words, as you transform, so should your ability to defend. Never, try to speak beyond this level. When we do not only will others see it, but they will use it as a tool to doubt. Furthermore, the best defense you give is simply a life lived well for Christ and God.

Today is day forty-one. Today be ready to defend your faith, knowing why you believe what you believe and then live it. There is no greater testimony to your belief than the life you live.

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